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Other links

Be sure to check out the Others page on this website for links to all Layne's other work with different artists, there are direct links to music there. In the meantime, these links are here for your enjoyment.

Rolling Stone Interview
Layne's famous cover of Rolling Stone included this interview with him in 1996.
A vast array of Alice in Chains data resides here, featuring concert dates. I highly recommend checking this one out.
Police Report
The police report that was filed in regards to the discovery of Layne.
Layne Staley's last abode
Pictures from inside and out of Layne's condo in Seattle.
Goodbye, Layne
Stephen Rauch's heartfelt write-up just days after the news broke of Layne's death. A good read.
Memorial Service Handout
Have your very own memorial handouts direct from the source (Layne's mom)